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Royal Paper, Inc. is a privately owned distributor of bathroom tissue, other paper products, Jan San, food service, stationary/office products, household cleaning products and personal care products. Our paper products are environmentally friendly using 100% recycled paper. At Royal Paper Company we sell unbleached paper products. We live where you live and care about our people, our communities and about creating jobs in our neighborhoods. We're a Family Owned and Operated Company headquartered in Camden, New Jersey. Our catalog includes over 800 products.

At Royal Paper Company we are committed to sustainability not only of our planet earth but of life and that includes the lives of your family and ours. Many people don't know but when you choose, Royal Paper Company, you not only choose high quality products with great prices; but you also choose to give your family products that have some of the lowest probability of causing negative health effects due to how products are made. Royal Paper Company Paper Products don't have poisons like "Dioxins".

Dioxins are a chemical family of 75 members and are some of the most toxic chemicals known to date. Even small quantities of Dioxins in our bodies can cause a number of conditions including cancer, birth defects, immune system disorders, serious skin rashes, acne, painful joints and a host of systemic disorders.

Royal Paper Company is working to position ourselves as an national , premier provider of residential and commercial paper products, implementing a unique approach to providing affordable quality products and excellent customer services for Consumers, Retail Outlets and Government Agencies.

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